Alexander Soifer

Geombinatorics Quarterly

Alexander Soifer


June 2024 (Volume XXXIV, Issue 1)

New Open Problems and Conjectures in The New Mathematical Coloring BookBy Alexander Soifer30

January 2025 (Volume XXXIV, Issue 3)

New results and new open problems and conjectures related to the chromatic number of the plane problemBy Alexander Soifer113

Issue 1  (July 2023)

Executive Committee of the International Mathematics Union; It takes thunder to end cover-up: An Essay in 6 Movementsby Alexander Soifer39

Issue 2  (October 2023)

“Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information,” Review of Basics of Ramsey Theory by Veselin Jungićby Alexander Soifer67

Issue 3 (January 2024)

A Popular Biography with Scholarly Guest Boxes: A Review of “Frank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers” by Cheryl Misakby Alexander Soifer132

Issue 1  (July 2022)

Popularizing History: Karl-Friedrich Bonhoeffer and His Friends, A Review of “The Scientific World of Karl- Friedrich Bonhoeffer: The Entanglement of Science, Religion, and Politics” by Kathleen L. Housleyby Alexander Soifer48

Issue 2  (October 2022)

There is no censorship in the Western World, or is there? An essay in six movementsby Alexander Soifer87

Issue 3  (January 2023)

Pragmatism beats Historicism in our day and ageby  Alexander Soifer132

Issue 4  (April 2023)

Nesting Parallelepipeds, A Minimax Problemby  Alexander Soifer186

Issue 2 (October 2021)

Mathematics in the Early XX c. and Her Daughter Emmy Noether: Review in 7 movements of “Emmy Noether – Mathematician Extraordinaire” by David E. Roweby Alexander Soifer77

Issue 4 (April 2022)

Taking Sides: Geombinatorics' Response to the War and Boycottsby Alexander Soifer148

Issue 1 (July 2020)

Moral Principles for My Young Colleagues, or
A Tale of Big Man and Little Bird
By Alexander Soifer   40

Issue 2 (October 2020)

Remembering John Horton ConwayBy Alexander Soifer53
Remembering Ronald Lewis GrahamBy Alexander Soifer56

Issue 3 (Jan 2021)

We have nothing to lose except everythingby Alexander Soifer152


Issue 1 (July 2019)

The International Mathematics Union Abacus MedalBy Alexander Soifer   33

Issue 4 (April  2020)

A Square-Grid Coloring Problem
Properties, Part I
By Matthew Kahle, Francisco Martinez-Figueroa, and Alexander Soifer

Issue 1 (July 2018)

Progress in My Favorite Open Problem of Mathematics, Chromatic
Number of the Plane: An Étude in Five Movements 
By Alexander Soifer 5

Issue 2 (October 2018)

Truth, Like Water, Finds Its Way OutBy Alexander Soifer106

Issue 3 (January 2019)

Branko, My Teacher, Collaborator, and FriendBy Alexander Soifer139

Issue 4 (April 2019)

Chromatic Problems and PrizesBy Alexander Soifer   210

July 2017 (Volume XXVII, Issue 1)

The Secretive Life of the International Mathematics UnionBy Alexander Soifer20

October 2017 (Volume XXVII, Issue 2)

An Open Letter to All Nine Rolf Nevanlinna Prize LaureatesBy Alexander Soifer84

January 2018 (Volume XXVII, Issue 3)

Laureates on Their Rolf Nevanlinna Prize and the Secrecy IMU President Shigefumi MoriBy Alexander Soifer121

April 2018 (Volume XXVII, Issue 4)

Have the Russians Infiltrated Congressus Numerantium?By Alexander Soifer162

July 2016 (Volume XXVI, Issue 1)

A Taste for Duality: Erdős, Dilworth, Gallai, Milgram, and MirskyBy Alexander Soifer30

October 2016 (Volume XXVI, Issue 2)

To Walk the Talk: A Letter to the President of IMU Shigefumi MoriBy Alexander Soifer84

Jan 2017 (Volume XXVI, Issue 3)

Mobilizing Ambiguity of Populism, A Review of “The Third Reich Sourcebook,”Anson Rabinbach and Sander L. Gilman (editors)By Alexander Soifer128

April 2017 (Volume XXVI, Issue 4)

On Some Indiscretions in the Mathematical Community of Russia: A Ballad in 12 MovementsBy Alexander Soifer159

July 2015 (Volume XXV, Issue 1)

A Book is Born: “Topics in Chromatic Graph Theory” By Robin J. Wilson and Lowell W. Beineke (ed’sBy Alexander Soifer45

October 2015 (Volume XXV, Issue 2)

Truth, like water, will find its way out: My Response to Günter M. Ziegler and the Deutsche Mathematiker-VereinigungBy Alexander Soifer76

January 2016 (Volume XXV, Issue 3)

Should We Accept the German Proposal of Their Monopoly on the Third Reich History? A Response to Reinhard Siegmund-SchultzeBy Alexander Soifer123

July 2014 (Volume XXIV, Issue 1)

 A spoon of tar can spoil a barrel of honey: An essay inspired by the book Emil Artin and Helmut Hasse: The Correspondence 1923-1958 by Günther Frei, Franz Lemmermeyer, and Peter J. Roquette, (Eds.)By Alexander Soifer32

October  2014 (Volume XXIV, Issue 2)

Whoever says the truth shall dieBy Alexander Soifer84
Book Reviews  
Whoever Said “No” to the Relativity Theory,
A review of Milena Wazeck’s book “Einstein’s Opponents:
The Public Controversy about the Theory of Relativity in the 1920’s”
By Alexander Soifer 

January 2015 (Volume XXIV, Issue 3)

Book Reviews  
A review of Alexander Soifer’s book “The Scholar and the State: In Search of Van der Waerden”By Harold W. Kuhn 148

April 2015 (Volume XXIV, Issue 4)

Dirty Laundry of Ivory TowerBy Alexander Soifer181

(April 2014 Volume XXIII, Issue 4)

Einstein’s Cocktail of Profundity & Humor, A Review of
Albert Einstein, The Human Side: Glimpses from His Archives
by Albert Einstein; Helen Dukas Banesh Hoffmann (ed’s)
By Alexander Soifer190

July 2012 (Volume XXII, Issue 1)

The Birth of a ProblemBy Alexander Soifer24

April 2013 (Volume XXII, Issue 4)

Problems of Paul Erdös  
Paul Erdös at 100 and his Problem Book: an Etude in Six MovementsBy Alexander Soifer140

July 2011 (Volume XXI, Issue 1)

Book Reviews  
“Because Germany Needs Me,” A Review of David C. Cassidy’s book Beyond Uncertainty: Heisenber, Quantum Physics, and the BomBy Alexander Soifer34

April 2012 (Volume XXI, Issue 4)

Van der Waerden and Heisenberg:
The Story of One Friendship in Seventeen Sketches
By Alexander Soifer138

July 2010 (Volume XX, Issue 1)

Book Reviews  
Escape of the Mathematical Kind, A Review by Alexander Soifer of Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze’s monograph Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany:
Individual Fates and Global Impact
By Alexander Soifer 31

October 2010 (Volume XX, Issue 2)

 Books Reviews 77
A Raw Graph Theory Text, A Review by Alexander Soifer of Xiong Bin and Zheng Zhongyi’s textbook Graph Theory (“Mathematical Olympiad” Ser., Vol. 3)By Alexander Soifer77
Passing the Flaming Torch! A Review by Alexander Soifer of Isaak M. Yaglom’s book “Geometric Transformations IV”By Alexander Soifer80

January 2011 (Volume XX, Issue 3)

Book Reviews 24
Which Comes First: Research or it Conclusions?A Review by Alexander Soifer of Rüdiger Thiele’s book “Van der Waerden inBy Alexander Soifer117
Sensationalist Journalism vs. Exposition of Mathematics
A Review by Alexander Soifer of George G, Szpiro’s book
“A Mathematical Medly: Fifty Easy Pieces of Mathematics”
By Alexander Soifer124
To Save and Harass, a review by Alexander Soifer of Alexander Stephan’s book “Communazis’: FBI Surveillance of German Émigré Writers”By Alexander Soifer128


October 2009 (Volume XIX, Issue 2)

Part I: Branko Grünbaum, Mathematician & Man  
The Great Geometer is 80By Alexander Soifer37

October 2007 (Volume XVII, Issue 2)

Chromatic Number of the Plane Theorem in Solovay’s Ser TheoryBy Alexander Soifer85

January 2008 (Volume XVII, Issue 3)

Victor Klee as a RefereeBy Alexander Soifer111

April 2008 (Volume XVII, Issue 4)

Book Reviews 172
The Man of Choice, a Review of Heinz-Dieeter Ebbinghaus’s Ernst: An Approach to His Life and WorkBy Alexander Soifer 



October 2007 (Volume XVII, Issue 2)

Chromatic Number of the Plane Theorem in Solovay’s Ser TheoryBy Alexander Soifer85

January 2008 (Volume XVII, Issue 3)

Victor Klee as a RefereeBy Alexander Soifer111

April 2008 (Volume XVII, Issue 4)

Book Reviews 172
The Man of Choice, a Review of Heinz-Dieeter Ebbinghaus’s Ernst: An Approach to His Life and WorkBy Alexander Soifer 

July 2006 (Volume XVI, Issue 1)

Book Reviews  
Homage to Leo Moser, A Review of Collected Papers of Leo Moser, Edited by William Moser and Paul RibenboimBy Alexander Soifer242

October 2006 (Volume XVI, Issue 2)

To Paul ErdösBy Alexander Soifer253
Book Reviews 41
The Passions of Brouwer, A Review of Dirk van Dalen’s Mystic, Geometer, and Intuitionist: The Life of L.E. J. BrouwerBy Alexander Soifer278
Playing Games with Martin Gardner, A Review of Martin Gardner’s Mathematical Games: The Entire Collection of His Scientific American ColumnBy Alexander Soifer285

December 2006 (Volume XVI, Issue 3)

The Case of the Case of Dr. Dânut Marcu: Serial Plagiarism and Signing False StatementsBy Alexander Soifer293
In Search of Van der Waerden, the Early YearsBy Alexander Soifer305

April 2007 (Volume XVI, Issue 4)

On Shelah-Soifer Class of GraphsBy Dmytro Karabash and Alexander Soifer363

July 2005 to April 2006 {Volume XV, Issue 1)

Cover-Up Squared IIBy Alexander Soifer28
Monthly “Borrows” Geombinatorics’ Squares. Part IIAlexander Soifer44

April 2006 (Volume XV, Issue 4)

Book Reviews  
The Failed Tests. A Review of M. Schifman’s, editor, You Failed Your Math Test, Comrade Einstein: Adventures and Misadventures of Young MathematiciansBy Alexander Soifer191
The Book is now a book. A Review of P. Brass, W. Moser, and J. Pach’s Research Problems is Discrete GeometryBy Alexander Soifer196

July 2004 (Volume XIV, Issue 1)

In Search for van der Waerden, Leipzig and Amsterdam, 1931-1945. Part I: LeipzigBy Alexander Soifer21
Book Reviews  
To Live, To Die, or To Compromise?
A review of Maria Geogiadou’s Contrantin Caratheodory: Mathematics and Politics in Turbulent Times
By Alexander Soifer197

October 2004 (Volume XIV, Issue 2)

In Search for van der Waerden, Leipzig and Amsterdam, 1931-1945. Part II: Amsterdam, 1945By Alexander Soifer72
Book Reviews  

January 2005 (Volume XIV, Issue 3)

In Search for van der Waerden, Leipzig and Amsterdam, 1931-1945. Part III: Amsterdam, 1946-1951By Alexander Soifer124
Book Reviews  
Money in Service of Mathematics: A Review of Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze’s Rockefeller and the Internationalization of Mathematics Between the Two World WarsBy Alexander Soifer162
A Geometer’s Bible: A Review of J.E. Goodman and J. O’Rourke, editors’ Handbook of Discrete and Computational GeometryBy Alexander Soifer166
What is a Mathematician’s Idea of Fun? A Review of Peter Winkler’s Mathematical Puzzles: A Connoisseur's CollectionBy  Alexander Soifer170

April 2005 (Volume XIV, Issue 4)

Featured Essay  
On Stephen P. Townshen’s 1979 ProofBy Alexander Soifer181
Cover-Up SquaredBy Alexander Soifer221
Monthly “Borrows” Geombinatorics’ Squares.By Alexander Soifer170

July 2003 (Vol XIII, Issue 1)

Chromatic Number of the Plane Part III: Its FutureBy Saharon Shelah and Alexander Soifer41

January 2004 (Vol XIII, Issue 3)

Book Reviews  
Terror and Exile: Persecution and Expulsion of Mathematicians from Berlin between 1933 and 1945: By Johen Bruning, Dirk Ferus, and Reinhard Siegmund-SchulzeA Review by Alexander Soifer153

April 2004 (Vol XIII, Issue 4)

Examples on the Plane and RnBy Alexander Soifer and Sharon Shelah186
Book Reviews  
Public Life of Mathematics under the Nazis: A review of Sanford L. Segal’s Mathematics under the NazisBy Alexander Soifer197

July 2002 (Volume XII, Issue 1)

A Geometric Interpretation for a Game with Evolving RulesBy Alexander Soifer31
Book Reviews  
SYMMETRY by Hans WalserA Review by Alexander Soifer38

April 2003 (Volume XII, Issue 2)

Academic Rights Watch Group as an Example of an Attempt of Academic SurvivalBy Alexander Soifer51

January 2003 (Vol XII, Issue 3)

Chromatic Number of the Plane and its relatives Part I: The Problem and its HistoryBy Alexander Soifer131

April 2003 (Vol XII, Issue 4)

Chromatic Number of the Plane and its Relatives Part II: Polychromatic Number and 6-ColoringBy Alexander Soifer191

April 2001 (Volume X, Issue 4)

Book Review  
One More Biography of Paul Erdos: A Review of the Book by Bruce Schecter
“My Brain is Open: The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdös”
By Alexander Soifer179

October 1999 (Volume IX, Issue 2)

Branko is 70By Alexander Soifer36

April 2000 (Volume IX, Issue 4)

Politics Colored my MathematicsBy Alexander Soifer208

July 1998 (Volume VIII, Issue 1)

Packing Clones in Convex FiguresBy Alexander Soifer166

October 1998 (Volume VIII, Issue 2)

Book Reviews  
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdös and Search for Mathematical Truth,By Paul Hoffman
By Alexander Soifer

April 1999 (Volume VIII, Issue 4)

Packing Triangles in TrianglesBy Alexander Soifer110

October 1997 (Volumes VII, Issue 1)

In Memory of Paul Erdös Our Joint Problems in Combinatoral GeometryBy Alexander Soifer25

October 1997 (Volumes VII, Issue 2)

In Memory of Paul Erdös: Our Joint Problems in Combinational Geometry IIIBy Alexander Soifer66

January 1998 (Volume VII, Issue 3)

In Memory of Paul Erdös: Our Joint Problems in Combinatorial Geometry IVBy Alexander Soifer107

April 1998 (Volume VII, Issue 4)

Discs in a DiscBy Alexander Soifer139

October 1996( Volume VI, Issue 2)

Piere Joseph Henry Baudet: Ramsey Theory before RamseyBy Alexander Soifer60

January 1997 (Volume VI, Issue 3)

On the Border of Two Years: An Interview with Paul ErdosBy Alexander Soifer99
“And you don’t even have to believe in G’D But you have to Believe that the book exists”By Alexander Soifer111

April 2007 (Volume VI, Issue 4)

In Momory of Paul Erdos: Our Joint Problems in Combinatorial Geometry IBy Alexander Soifer156

July 1995 (Volume V, Issue 1)

Issai Schur: Ramsey Theory before Ramseyby Alexander Soifer6

October (Volume V, Issue 2)

Book Reviews  
Graph Coloring Problemby Tommy R JensonBjarne Toft Review by Alexander Soifer81

January 1996 (Volume V, Issue 3)

Squares in a Square IIby Alexander Soifer121


January 1995 (Volume IV, Issue 3)

Which Algorithms are Feasible and Which are not Depends on the Geometry of Space-Timeby Alexander Soifer80

April 1995 (Volume IV, Issue 4)

Squares in a Squareby Paul Erdös, Alexander Soifer110

October 1993 (Volume III, Issue 2)

Almost Chromatic Number of the PlaneBy Iiya Hoffman, Alexander Soifer38

April 1994 (Volume III, Issue 4)

Six-Realizable Set Xby Alexander Soifer140

April 1993 (Volume II, Issue 4)

Triangles in Convex PolygonsBy Paul Erdös and Alexander Soifer72

June 1991 (Volume I, Issue 1)

Triangles in a Two-Colored PlaneBy Alexander Soifer6

June 1991 (Volume I, Issue 2)

New Essays

Triangles in Three-Colored PlaneBy Alexander Soifer11


Triangles in a Two Colored PlaneBy Alexander Soifer13

June 1991 (Volume I, Issue 3)

Chromatic Number of the Plane: A Historical EssayBy Alexander Soifer13

June 1991 (Volume I, Issue 4)

Relatives of Chromatic Number of the Plane IBy Alexander Soifer13


Triangles in a Two Colored PlaneBy Alexander Soifer21